Yesterday was Halloween. And as you can see, I have no pictures or post to do about Wes and me going to Halloween parties and dressing up and having such a fun holiday night. That's because we didn't go to any parties. We didn't dress up. We didn't even eat Halloween candy! Why you ask? No we are not suddenly Halloween scrooges!
I have just been so sick lately. About 3 weeks ago tomorrow, I had to have surgery to remove my gallbladder. It came up pretty suddenly and for a couple of weeks there I was feeling pretty miserable, in and out of the doctor's office and getting tests run. Finally they determined the cause and I had my surgery. It went quite well actually. I recovered fairly quickly and was almost feeling back to normal. Key word there is "almost". Then last week I started feeling really bad...fever, freezing cold, achy all over, exhausted. Sounds like the flu to me. For a couple of nights I had a fever of about 102 that didn't seem to want to come down. Well I thought it was the flu. I started taking medicine...and it started to work. Then came the cough. I still have it, and anyone who has been around me lately can vouch for that. But I could NOT get it to go away. I was constantly coughing and it was making my chest hurt pretty bad. Finally I went in to the doctor after about a week of this mess. Turns out...not the flu (although I could have had a virus that caused all the aches and pains) but instead I have pneumonia! Well I am now on antibiotics and no longer contagious, thankfully, and am on the road to getting better. My cough is still pretty bad and I am pretty tired most days, but slowly my health is coming back.
All of this negativity is just to say how so thankful I am for this day. November 1st. A new month has started and it is one of my favorites of the year. I love all the fall season. Yes, I am sad that I missed out on Halloween this year, but I am so thankful for what I have in my life right now. I have an amazing husband who means the world to me. He was always by my side helping me in every single possible thing I needed the whole time I was (well still am) sick. Seriously I don't know what I would have done without him. But I am just very thankful to have my good health returning and my wonderful family beside me.
Now I say bring on the holidays. I may have been sick for Halloween but I plan on being just fine for Thanksgiving and Christmas - two of my absolute favorite times of the year.
Happy November everybody :)
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